Note: Cold climate will deal constant damage to you and decrease your health until you die.

Energy in Longvinter is your health and energy combined. You use energy while performing actions or running. And you can lose energy by getting damage from for example weapons.


You can heal yourself by either eating food or warming up.

You can warm up by standing next to/in these things:

  • Matches (Can only be placed outside.)
  • Bonfires (Can only be placed outside.)
  • Garden Firepit (Can only be placed outside.)
  • Campfires (Can only be found on the map, usually near docks.)
  • Fireplace (Can only be placed inside.)
  • Sauna (You have to enter it to heal.)


Death occurs when the player’s energy reaches zero. You drop everything you equipped, your ammo, and inventory. However, Mk (money) is kept on death. Progress towards Compendium will remain after death. The player will be able to select a respawn point after their death. Respawn points may include docks or houses. If the player has entered a house with an access code prior to their death, it will be available as a respawn point selection.

This screenshot was taken by Discord user @wonder4444 for