If you have any trouble following this guide, please send us a message on Discord or the Uuvana Forums. We are more than happy to help you out!

Requirements and Pre-requisites

  • Min. 3 GB RAM
  • Min. 64-bit Windows 10 Operating System
  • Min. CPU with at least 3GHz clock speed
  • Broadband internet connection
  • Router with the ability to port forward
  • SteamCMD installed in your system
Some ISPs might not allow you to port forward. In such case, we recommend you to purchase VPS / Dedicated Server services.

Installing Server

System Setup

Installing SteamCMD

  1. Create a new folder for SteamCMD (e.g., C:\steamcmd)
  2. Download SteamCMD from here
  3. Extract the contents of the zip file to the folder you created
  4. Run steamcmd.exe to install/update SteamCMD

Making directory for Longvinter server

Create a new folder for the Longvinter server (e.g., C:\longvinter-server)

Configure Port-forwarding and Firewalls

In other tutorials it is asked to open the TCP Port, do not do it. Unreal Engine doesn’t use TCP connections.
If you are opening multiple servers on the same network, configure firewall accordingly.
  1. Open Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security
  2. Create new Inbound Rules for the following:
    • UDP port 7777

Open Windows firewall

Select 'Port' option

Enter port and select protocol

Allow the connection

Select all profiles

Name the rule

Also, make sure to forward these ports on your router.

Install Longvinter Server

Open Command Prompt and run:

C:\steamcmd\steamcmd.exe +force_install_dir C:\longvinter-server +login anonymous +app_update 1639880 validate +quit

Customize the Server

  1. Navigate to C:\longvinter-server\Longvinter\Saved\Config\WindowsServer\
  2. Create a new file named Game.ini
  3. Open Game.ini with a text editor and add the following content:
ServerName=[EU-WEST] Arlo's Hangout
ServerMOTD=Welcome to Arlo's Hangout

AdminSteamID=00023652dd9b4673be20d4f83ab42c5b 0002365d948ad82f373be20d4ff8ab42c5b


Check out configuration page for detailed information.

Run the Server

To start the server manually:

  1. Open Command Prompt
  2. Navigate to your Longvinter server directory:
    cd C:\longvinter-server
  3. Run the server:

For automatic startup, you can create a batch file or use Windows Task Scheduler.

Server Maintenance

Run the following command to update your Longvinter server:

C:\steamcmd\steamcmd.exe +force_install_dir C:\longvinter-server +login anonymous +app_update 1639880 validate +quit

Getting Help

Please contact @alvar_noah on the Longvinter Discord if there are any errors.